Monthly Classroom Fees
2023-24 Monthly Classroom Fees
9:00 am - 1:30pm
Toddlers *
WF $ 248.00
*Children enrolling in the toddler class need to be 18+ months old & walking by the start of school in August. We have enjoyed adding our youngest group of children this semester to our school. We are looking to continue to offer this age group and are exploring family schedule needs. If you have a younger child that you are interested in enrolling for the next school year, please use the comment section when pre-registering to let us know more about what your family needs are for the toddler group or contact the preschool office.
2 yr olds
TTh $ 248.00
MWF $336.00
M-F $ 515.00 *
*Combined MWF/TTh sections
3 yr olds
TWTh $336.00
M-F $ 515.00
4 yr olds
TWTh $ 345.00
M-F $ 525.00
5 yr olds - PreK *
M-F $ 525.00
*PreK enrollment is for children who are 5 before the start of school or are turning 5 prior to January 31, 2024